The moon rose to the top of the willow tree,| and my love and I met after twilight. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。(欧阳修《生查子·无夕》)
The old willow tree has become hollow inside. 古柳空心儿了。
Willow Tree are crafted figurines of different poses representing different emotions and events such as love, peace, hope, together, unity etc. 这些柳树是各式各样的雕塑品,代表不同的感情和情况,如爱情,和平,希望和团结等。
So, how did aspirin become so important? The story begins two thousand years ago with a willow tree. 那么,为什么阿司匹林变得如此重要?这个故事要从两千年前的一棵柳树说起。
I sat on a park bench near a willow tree. I thought about something Rahim Khan said just before he hung up, almost as an after thought. 我在公园里柳树下的长凳坐下,想着拉辛汗在电话中说的那些事情,再三思量。
From nerdy TV shows like Big Bang Theory to ancient poetry, there are plenty of factors influencing whether Chinese tourists end up eating cheesecake in Pasadena or, say, admiring a willow tree in Cambridge. 从《生活大爆炸》(BigBangTheory)这种傻乎乎的电视剧到优雅的古典诗词,影响中国游客去哪里度假的因素很多,这些因素最终决定他们是到帕萨迪纳吃芝士蛋糕还是去剑桥赏柳。
Extracts from the willow tree have been used for pain relief in folk medicine since the time of the ancient Greeks. 从古希腊开始,在民间医药中,人们就用柳树的萃取物缓解疼痛。
The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. 公园里枝叶繁茂的大柳树下长椅上空空无人,我坐下来,静静的读书。
The camels actually knelt down, and he seated himself with a swagger under a small willow tree. 骆驼们真跪下了,他自己也大大方方的坐在一株小柳树下。
And in an effort to ensure it keeps flourishing, a willow barrier has been put around the tree. 现在,为了保证它的健康成长,苹果树周围已竖起了柳木围栏。
Science and Technology in New Willow Tree Coal Mine Safety Fast Development Function 科学技术在新柳煤矿安全快速发展中的作用
In1829 the chemical in the willow tree that can relieve pain and fever was discovered to be salicin. 1829年,人们发现柳树中能止痛退烧的化学物质为水杨醇葡萄糖甙。
That is why Chang Ch'ao counts the willow among the four things in the universe which touch man's heart most profoundly, and why he says the willow tree makes a man sentimental. 为了这个缘故,张潮认为柳树是宇宙间感人最深的四物之一,他也说柳树会使一个人多情起来。
The willow in the backyard is gone, but a small tree has grown up on the fence line east of the garden plot of corn. 后院的柳树已经消失得无影无踪,而玉米地东侧的篱笆墙边,一棵小树已经枝繁叶茂。
It is the Willow Tree Kingdom that addresses you today. 今天是柳树王国向你们讲述。
Do not want something unexpected happened, and a nest in my line of sight, this wanted to poke it out, because they just love nest built on my favorite lovely weeping willow tree. 不想,出乎意料的事发生了,一个鸟窝出现在我的视线里,本想把它捅掉的,因为它们的爱巢正好修建在我最喜欢的那可爱垂柳树上。
The willow grows easily anywhere and often on a bank. It is the feminine tree par excellence. 柳树随便种在什么地方,都很容易生长起来,它常常是长在水岸边的。它是最美妙的女性的树。
B.You mean the willow tree beside the mill? 你说的是山包中间那棵柳树吗?
He slumbered after lunch, under the willow tree. 午饭后,他在柳树下安睡。
The spring beginning, on the willow tree silk the granulation shoot, under the ice-cold drizzle could not find a sunlight. 立春了,柳树丝上米粒状的嫩芽,冰冷的细雨下找不到一丝阳光。
Hope or Despair& Different Point of View and literary idea in Willow Tree Beside the River and Regrets for the Past Writers 徘徊于希望与绝望的边缘&从《河上柳》、《伤逝》看创作主体的不同审视视角与文学理想
This paper threads up in the classical poetry frequently to appear "the willow tree" this image, and from its origin and its essence two aspects has fully analyzed the appearance, and also gives the full affirmation to its understanding significance and esthetics value. 文章紧扣古典诗词中频繁出现的柳这一意象,从它的成因、实质展开了充分的分析探讨,并对其认识意义和美学价值给予充分的肯定。
The Techniques of Controlling Two Leaf Diseases on Willow Tree 柳树两种叶部病害及其防治技术的研究
10 has the strongest drought-resistence. Study on drought-resistence nature of willow& a fine tree species for soil and water conservation and energy 3品种以杂交稻汕优10号抗旱性最强。水土保持林和能源林的优良树种&柳树抗旱性能的研究
The mercury concentrations in the leaves were in the order of: plum> pear> willow> fir> elm> locust tree> clove> poplar> pine> cypress. kg-1,植物叶汞中的浓度李树>梨树>柳树>杉树>榆树>槐树>丁香>杨树>松树>柏树;
After that, the author discussed the willow tree steel implementation cost of operation control system to carry on the design the necessity and the feasibility. 接着,作者讨论了柳钢实施作业成本控制系统进行设计的必要性和可行性。
I calculated the average of each phenological phase with VBA program. Then I analysed phenology distribution regularities of woody, herbaceous and animal, and selected the representative woody plant of willow and sweet osmanthus tree to analyse phenology distribution. 采用VBA程序,计算各物候期平均值,简要分析木本、草本、动物物候期分布规律,并选取具有代表性的木本植物垂柳和桂花做物候分布规律分析。
Willow ( Salix spp.) has large biomass production and high resistance to environmental stress as an important multipurpose tree species in afforestation, hence has been proved to be effective in the uptake and accumulation of metals from contaminated waters and soils. 柳树(salixspp.)生物量大,抗逆性强,是一种重要的多用途造林树种,可以有效吸收和积累污染水体和土壤中的重金属。